
Hi, my name is Gregor and I’m

I’m based in Maribor, Slovenia, but that doesn’t limit my digital reach. I enjoy working with people and companies from all over the world and I’m always open to new opportunities to expand my horizons. Through my career I’ve worn many hats, always embracing my role to the fullest - proving my ability to adapt and learn. I love building tools and products that empower others, working with passionate and driven people.

To find out about my projects and the specific technologies that I work with, please check out my GitHub, or my LinkedIn profile.


  • Povio Inc

    1 year11 months
    • Project LeadJan 2022 - Present

      • Led technical and architectural decisions on the project
      • Introduced and enforced best practices
      • Massively improved the performance of the backend stack
      • Introduced job queues to handle background tasks
      • Resolved long-standing bugs
    • Senior Software EngineerMar 2022 - Dec 2023

      • Worked on a massive media platform serving millions of users daily
      • Designed and implemented work featured on over 600 sites
      • Improved data quality and observability
      • Collected, transformed, and analyzed data
      • Worked in ad tech
    • Lead Backend EngineerOct 2022 - Feb 2023

      • Designed and developed backend architecture for an IoT device
      • Implemented granular access control
      • Designed an adaptive scheduling system with custom rules and constraints
    • Lead Frontend EngineerAug 2022 - Present

      • Led the implementation and delivery of a landing page for our client
      • Engaged directly with clients to gather and understand their requirements
  • GWI Ltd

    9 months
    • Senior Frontend EngineerAug 2021 - Apr 2022

      • Maintained and improved the codebase of multiple frontend apps used for a large surveying platform
      • Introduced better code quality standards and helped coworkers follow industry best practices
      • Optimized bundle sizes, reducing them by over 50% in some cases
      • Worked on a proof-of-concept speech-to-text app, providing better accessibility to our users
  • erento GmbH

    3 years4 months
    • Tech LeadJul 2020 - Jul 2021

      • Reported directly to the CTO, bringing new initiatives and ideas to the company
      • Mentored new team members and helped them get started quicker
      • Built internal tools to improve the development experience and increase the productivity of our team members by solving repetitive tasks
      • Introduced documentation practices to the team and enforced them, writing most of our documentation at the time
      • Helped design and develop major features, and wrote technical user stories
      • Defined steps to rewrite massive parts of our legacy codebase into a more modern stack
    • Senior Full-Stack EngineerNov 2019 - Jun 2020

      • Orchestrated deployments and services to our Kubernetes cluster
      • Heavily influenced our Elasticsearch indexing service and wrote core logic for it
      • Maintained high standards of code quality, providing meaningful reviews and advice to my peers
    • Full-Stack EngineerMar 2018 - Oct 2019

      • Worked on a massive microservices platform encompassing many different languages and frameworks
      • Maintained and developed features for a large Angular frontend
  • Equaleyes Ltd

    3 years8 months
    • Full-Stack EngineerFeb 2016 - Oct 2019

      • Led and planned the development of a two-way synchronization platform between our client’s backend and multiple third-party APIs, supporting easy integration of new vendors
      • Led the development of a highly customizable solution to support easy note tracking and sharing for enterprises
      • Developed and maintained a large taxi and shuttle platform
      • Load tested a WebSocket application and scaled it to support many concurrent users
  • ComTrade d.o.o.

    6 months
    • Engineering internJul 2015 - Dec 2015

      • Developed packages for Citrix XenApp
    • Student instructorJun 2015 - Jun 2015

      • Mentored a group of students through a week of EDiT Summer School, where we built a LEGO warehouse robot using AngularJS and JavaEE